Contact Us
The Maryland Association of Professional Electrologists can be contacted as listed below:
Telephone: 410–720-4245 (leave a message at the office of Eileen Collins, LE CPE MAPE President)
President: Eileen Collins, LE, CPE
pres@marylandelectrolysis.orgVice President: Debra Larson, LE
vp@marylandelectrolysis.orgTreasurer: Elizabeth Spagnolo, LE, CPE
treas@marylandelectrolysis.orgCorresponding Secretary: Tricia Vasquez, LE, CPE
cosec@marylandelectrolysis.orgRecording Secretary: Sally McAleer, LEI, CPE
recsec@marylandelectrolysis.orgMembership: Tricia Vasquez, LE, CPE